JNZ 2020 Dan-Grading

This weekend, February 15th-16th 2020, the annual Jundokan New Zealand training seminar and official dan-grading was successfully held in Dunedin, New Zealand. Dedicated cohorts of participants travelled from all across the country from each of the Taupaki, Nelson, Wakefield, Wesport and Mosgiel dojos.

Day 1 focussed largely on traditional junbi-undo (preparatory exercises), kaishu-gata (open handed kata, including gekisai, saifa, seiyunchin, shisochin, sanseru, seipai, kururunfa, seisan, and suparinpei), and hojo-undo (supplementary training) with kigu (training tools), including chi-ishi, makiwara, ishi-sashi, nigiri-game, sashi-ishi, tan, kongogen, and take-taba.

Day 2 saw a focus on kihon-gata (fundamental kata) and heishu-gata (closed handed kata) (i.e., sanchin and tensho), various levels of bunkai from shosochin kata, kote-kitae (arm conditioning), san-dan-uke, and an official dan-grading.

A special congratulations to Jennifer Chaddock for earning her ni-dan, and to Andrew Brannen for earning his sho-dan. Both applicants put in an amazing showcase of physical and mental strength preforming kata, bunkai, and kigu (tool) skills, and thoroughly deserved their new grades.

A special thank you to Paul-sensei, Bryan-sensei, and Dave-sensei for their valuable insight and guidance throughout the weekend, to all dojo instructors for their continued support and teaching efforts, and to everyone who came and made the weekend such a great success.

There will be plenty of photos to come soon, so watch this space!